In Love with My Brother's Best Friend: Complete Box Set Page 18
I wasn't sure if there were a bunch of companies in the building or just one. There was a huge sign out front for some kind of real estate company. I had been so wrapped up in finding the right address that I really hadn't seen much until I pulled into the drive. The building was so big, I figured I could just walk around the lobby to see what kind of companies were inside. Then I planned to go back out to my car and wait for Jackson to come through the doors. I wanted to wrap my arms around his neck and hug him so badly.
When I pulled the front the door open, I let out a gasp. The lobby of the building was huge and amazing. It was very contemporary. Whoever had designed it was a genius. It had a comfortable feel. There was a huge living room type waiting area on each side of the doors. There were couches, tables, chairs, and televisions all around. The colors were warm and inviting. Above the very center was a beautiful chandelier. It was huge. There was a desk in the center with a very pretty, perfectly dressed woman sitting behind it.
As soon as the doors closed behind me, she was on her feet with a smile on her face.
“Can I help you?” she asked.
I was shocked. There was no looking around and going back out to my car.
“I'm sorry,” I said. “A friend of mine works here. I was just going to look around for a moment and then go back and wait outside for him. It's gorgeous in here.”
“Yes, it is,” she said. “Can I ask your friends name?”
I was still looking up at the high ceiling when I answered.
“Jackson,” I said. “I didn't mean to bother you. I'm sorry.”
I turned to walk away.
“You're friends with Jackson?” she asked.
“We went to school together. I know his best friend. I was in town and thought I'd say hello. I didn't want to bother anyone.”
“Tim?” she asked.
“You know Tim?” I asked.
She gave me a strange look before snapping right back to her professional attitude.
“He comes in often. Can you give me one moment? If I let you walk out that door to wait in your car, Jackson will have my job.”
“That's funny,” I laughed. “I doubt he could get you fired for something so silly.”
She stopped what she was doing to look at me for a second longer. Then she shook her head slightly and picked up the phone.
“There's someone here to see Jackson,” she spoke into the phone. “No, she doesn't have an appointment. She knows Tim and went to school with them. She was just going to say a quick hello. She wanted to wait outside, but I asked her to wait a moment.”
I could barely hear what she'd said. The place was huge. I had no idea she'd know him by his first name or I wouldn't have said it. She looked back at me with a smile on her face.
“If you could just wait one moment, Andrea will be down to get you,” she said.
“Andrea?” I asked.
“Andrea is Jackson's assistant,” she answered.
I felt like I was in some alternate universe or something. How did this woman know Tim? Why would he come to where his friend worked? I was so worried that Jackson was going to mad I'd shown up unannounced. It wouldn't look good to his boss for him to have visitors at work. Wait a second, I thought. Did that woman say Jackson had an assistant? Maybe he was a manager or something. I did remember his mentioning an assistant.
I was deep in thought about what I had just walked into when someone walked up beside me.
“Hello,” she said. “I'm Jackson's assistant. My name is Andrea. Would you please come with me.”
I stood and turned to the woman. My eyes widened, and I stood silent for a moment. In front of me stood a very tall, thin woman. She was straight out of a magazine with her blemish free skin. Her makeup was light, and her dark, long hair stopped at her shoulders, looking like she had just left the salon. There was not one hair out of place. The red dress she wore fit her perfectly. She had cleavage like I had not seen in a long time. Her curves belonged in that dress. I was definitely into guys, and I could even see she was every man's perfect woman. Then I suddenly realized I looked like a slob and did not belong in that building. I had on jeans and a t-shirt with sneakers. I'd come straight from the airport yet again. It was that moment that I realized Jackson would be embarrassed to be seen with me at work. Compared to Andrea, I looked like shit. I needed to get out of there.
“I'm Tina, but I'm just going to go. I can see Jackson later. He's obviously busy,” I said nervously.
“Tina,” she said. “Tim's sister Tina? You live in New York? Follow me.”
“That would be me,” I said.
“I've heard Tim and Jackson talking about you,” she said as she opened the elevator door and motioned for me to walk through.
“I'm sure that was a great conversation,” I said sarcastically.
“You knew Jackson back in high school?” she asked.
“Elementary school actually,” I said.
We rode to the top floor and the doors opened into another lobby. There was a desk in front of us. There was a door to the right and to the left was a fancier glass door with Jackson's name on it. The lobby had a couch, two chairs, a table, a fireplace, and a television.
“It's so nice in here. Is that Jackson's office?” I asked pointing to the left.
“Yes,” she said. “The door on the other side goes to a conference room. There's also a door connecting that room to his office. This is my desk.”
She walked around and stood behind it. I couldn't get over how stunning she was.
“There are no other offices on this floor. How does he have an entire floor of the building to himself?” I asked.
“He has some very important meetings up here. Some of the things he discusses are not to be heard by the rest of the company. That's how I would have it if I owned a company too.”
I had been looking toward his office. Her words stopped me instantly. I turned my whole body toward her.
“This is his company?” I asked, as I played back our conversations in my mind.
Then I thought about the guy at the wedding and what he said. My brother acted as if it were no big deal that Jackson had paid for an expensive honeymoon for him and his wife. My mom mentioned several times how proud she was of what Jackson had become. Shit! None of them thought to mention he owned the damn place. He'd let me joke about his boss and kissing ass. Not once did he correct me. Why? Did he want me to look like a fool? Why had he kept something like that from me? I'd even talked about having two jobs. I can only imagine what he thought about me.
“Of course,” she said with a smirk. “He's an amazing man. Don't you agree?”
“He's amazing alright,” I said.
“He's so gorgeous too,” she said. “Smart and sexy.”
“What?” I asked.
“I'm sure you've noticed how cute he is. You're his best friend's sister. You must have spent a ton of time around him. You're so lucky. He even spends time with your parents. I've made so many reservations for him and your mom over the years. I don't know how you do it.”
“Do what?” I asked.
Her professionalism was a thing of the past since it was just the two of us. Maybe she'd give me some information on Jackson.
“How you could be around him and not jump on the guy,” she said. “I've been flirting with him for years. I think we could work. Now he's all wrapped up in some woman.”
“Who's that?” I asked.
“I don't know. He's with her now. He left this morning saying something about his woman and he'd be available by phone this weekend,” she said. “I know I'd be good for him if he gave me the chance.”
I thought about our conversation earlier in the day. He seemed like something was wrong. Then he told me the idea of me coming to see him sounded good. He flat out said he wanted to see me. He never even planned to be there. What would he have done if I'd agreed to go see him? Would he have back peddled and found a reason he was busy? That fucker text me that he was at the of
fice when he wasn't. He was with someone. How could I have let myself believe him? He never failed to make me look like a fool.
“He's not here,” I said.
“No,” Andrea said with a shake of her head.
If it wasn't whoever he was with, it would been Andrea or somebody else. No matter what I wanted, it would never be me. I was standing in the lobby outside of his office. The lobby alone was bigger than my apartment. I was dressed horribly while his assistant looked like someone had spent hours getting her ready. I didn't belong there, and I didn't belong in his world. It didn't matter. None of it mattered. We'd never fit together. That would never change.
“I don't want Jackson to know I was here. Please don't mention it to him. I'll just call him later. I really need to get going. It was very nice to meet you, Andrea.”
I turned and hit the elevator button, feeling so happy when it opened right up. My lungs felt like they were working overtime just to pull air into my body. The doors opened on the main floor, and I took off for the door. The girl at the desk was saying something, but I couldn't stop. There was no way I wanted anyone to see me.
As soon as I closed the door to my car, I leaned my forehead against the steering wheel and let the tears flow. Chris sent me a message at the perfect time. He always did. I let out a bit of what I was feeling in the message. I needed to pull myself together and get back home. He'd help me through it. I knew I could always count on him.
I needed to stop and see my mom before I left. There was no way I would be back to visit. I didn't know how long it would be before I would see her again. To be honest, I needed her.
My phone rang while I was driving. I was almost to my mom's house. It was Jackson. I wanted it over with. If I didn't answer, he'd text me some crappy line about missing me or some shit. It needed to be over. When I got home, I didn't want him near me or in my thoughts.
He said he wanted to talk to me. Then he asked me why I was crying. That was it. I gave him a piece of my mind, hung up, and turned off my phone. He wasn't going to mess with me. I wasn't going to let him. Not anymore.
I was a blubbering mess by the time my mom opened the door and pulled me into her arms. She probably thought I'd lost my mind. I rambled on and on through my sobs about Jackson being with someone and what an ass he was. Her phone rang, and I motioned for her to go answer it, thinking it was my dad. I curled up on her couch with my legs pulled up and my chin on my knees. The damn tears wouldn't stop. It was driving me crazy. I wasn't weak. I was strong. I was in charge of my life. That shy, quiet girl from so long ago was gone. I needed to reach in deep and pull out the Tina I had become since I'd moved. I needed to put the walls back up that I'd let him tear down. There was no way I was letting anyone near me. I was done.
When my mom came back, I hugged her tight. Then I got up to leave. She begged me to stay for just a little while. I think she knew I wouldn't be back. There was something in her eyes. She knew when I ran, it was going to be forever. My mom knew me too damn well for me not even being around. She pulled out the big guns and offered to make my favorite meal if I'd stay just long enough for her to feed me.
She grabbed a blanket and wrapped it around me on the couch before going off to make dinner. I was exhausted and emotional. It had been a very long day. I wanted so badly to wake up from the horrible dream I was having, but that wasn't going to happen. I was too old to be crying over a boy on my mom's couch. I needed to get back home. That was where I belonged.
My mom came and sat down next to me. We talked for a long time while we waited on dinner. I told her about Jackson's assistant and how huge his office was. She knew he owned the company. I told her about the credit from the hotel and that he'd paid the entire bill for my room for the wedding. She talked so highly of him. Then she told me that he'd been helping her and my dad for years. I was shocked and asked her to explain.
“I've seen things pop up here and there. My cell phone bill is just one example. I know that it costs more than ten dollars a month for my phone and all of the things I have on it. Jackson told me he got it through his company account. He got your dad one too. I give him twenty dollars a month. I'm not stupid. Even through his company my phone bill is way more than that. The rehearsal dinner is another example. You told on him, but I knew the minute that waiter said the bill was already paid that it was Jackson. My cable and internet bill are only twenty dollars a month. He got us a deal. I'm not as old as you kids all think. I've gotten gift cards in the mail for groceries. There are so many things that have happened that I know Jackson did.”
“You've never said anything?” I asked.
“No,” she said. “It makes him feel good to do those things for me and your dad. He's very proud of what he's done. I'm proud of him too. I know he feels like we love him more than his own parents do. He gets so excited when he does something and I don't figure out it's him. I always mention what happens so he knows I appreciate it. He goes through a lot to do things without being caught. It makes me smile every time. He's a good man, Tina. I think you need to talk to him before you push him away.”
“No,” I said. “I'm not letting him hurt me, mom. I won't do it. I'll be just fine without him. I've done just fine so far.”
“He does a lot of charity work. He's gone to other countries to build things to help them live better lives. Did you know he built an orphanage in one country? He goes to schools to give talks. He brings kids from different local high schools to his company to learn things. He's given some of the schools here entire technology rooms. He does so much to give back.”
“That's amazing,” I said. “I don't doubt he's a good man. I'm sure he is. He's just not the man for me. I think I'll stick to hooking up and walking away.”
“Tina,” she said sternly.
“Look at me, mom,” I said.
“What about you?” she asked.
“Look at what he's done with his life. I bet he lives in a huge house,” I said. “Shit!”
“Tina,” she snapped.
“That car at the wedding. It was his car. I made fun of him. I asked him if he went broke renting it. I'm so embarrassed. Even if he wasn't with someone, we would never work. Our lives are too different.”
“You don't know that,” she said. “Look at your life. You have two jobs and good friends. That doesn't mean you're happy. Those friends don't know the real you. Just because he owns his own company doesn't mean he's happy either. Do you think those people know the real him? Stop acting like you're less than he is just because he has money.”
She told me to close my eyes and rest while she finished dinner. I heard her telling me everything was going to be okay and that she loved and missed me. That was the last thing I remembered before my eyes won the battle over my exhaustion.
Chapter 13
The flight felt like it took five hours. It took all I had to drag myself through the airport and out the arrival doors. As soon as I saw him, I stopped. My ass was a mess. The last thing I needed was Tim giving me more shit. My hand went up and ran through my hair. That was when I realized how bad I had to have looked. My shirt was wrinkled from all the running, sitting, and moving around I'd done through the day. I could feel the tangles in my hair between my fingers. Tim narrowed his eyes at me.
“If you're going to give me shit, don't bother. I'll take a cab before I put up with your mouth right now.”
He held up his hand to stop me from going on.
“Get in the car,” he said.
I narrowed my eyes back at him.
“Just do it, Jackson,” he said. “My sister is a complete disaster of a mess on my mom's couch. All I can figure out is that it has something to do with you. My mom has done everything she could to keep her there. Tina wanted to leave two hours ago. My mom made a huge meal and guilted her into staying to eat. She said as soon as dinner was over she was leaving. She even mentioned sleeping in the airport until she could get a flight home.”
“This is her fuc
king home,” I snapped.
“I knew she liked you. When she called me and I told her to stay the fuck away from you.”
“What?” I growled out. “Lately?”
“Yes,” he said. “We had it out on the phone over you.”
“I get that she's your sister. I do, but you can't control her life, Tim. I'm not the asshole you're making me out to be. I've felt horrible for going against what you asked since the moment it happened. You know what?”
“What?” he asked.
“I didn't just do it to do it. I had feelings for her then. For ten fucking years I've thought about her. You can think what you want. I honestly don't even give a shit anymore. No other man will ever care for her the way I do. I mean that. I will protect her with her my life. If she'll have me, I'll do every single thing I can to show her how special she is. I will do anything for her. I'm telling you, she belongs with me. I need my woman. I will never ever let anything or anyone come between us again.”
“You really feel that way about her?” he asked. “You've seen her once in ten years. How do you know you won't want to move on to someone else a few months or even years from now?”
“I've wanted her since I was fifteen, Tim. Nothing is going to change that. How can you even ask me that question? How do you know you won't want to move on from Renee? You've known her for a lot less time than I've known your sister. I can't talk about this right now. Just get me to your mom and dad's house.”
“You look like shit,” Tim said.
“I feel worse than I look,” was all I could say.
I had my door opened before he even stopped the car. His mom opened the front door and held her finger over her mouth for us to be quiet. She met me out on the porch and pulled me into her arms.
“You like awful, Jackson,” she said.
“I know, mom,” I said. “Where is she?”