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In Love with My Brother's Best Friend: Complete Box Set Page 17

  I sat through another meeting with my mind on her. The thought of her going out with Chris to a club was driving me up the wall. She said she hadn't been with anyone else in two years, but that didn't mean she wouldn't fuck me out of her mind that night. I knew that shit from experience. I'd done that myself more times than I'd like to remember over the years. He wouldn't be watching out for her. He'd be looking out for himself. She didn't need to be staying with him either. By the end of the meeting, I couldn't do it anymore.

  I went back to my office, booked a flight, and told my assistant Andrea that I was leaving and would be reachable by phone for the weekend. She did her usual once over of me before smiling.

  “Are you leaving town?” she asked.

  “I am,” I said. “I'm going to claim my woman.”

  I heard her grunting on my way out. She was damn lucky that she kept up with my schedule the way she did.

  When I got home, I packed a bag, grabbed my work stuff, and took off toward my driver. He always managed to be ready no matter what time I needed him. I really did have a good staff working for me. He'd been with me since the beginning, and I appreciated everything he had ever done without complaint.

  A text came through from Tina asking if I was working in the office. I said I was. She didn't need to know I was on my way to see her. I wanted her to be completely surprised.

  I hurried out of the car at the departure door and headed for security. That part never took long for me. I flew so much, I think I knew all of the agents by name. It was no joke.

  My flight was leaving in less than an hour, so I skipped the first-class lounge and waited at the gate. No matter how often I flew, I still wasn't fond of it. Once I was on the plane and relaxed, I checked my phone. We'd already been told to shut them off twice, and I'd already gotten the dirty look from the flight attendant. Just as I hit the button to switch it to flight mode, I saw Tina's mom's number flash quickly across my screen before it was gone.

  She called from time to time to see how I was doing, and I knew she probably wanted to check up on what we had talked about the week before. The thought made me smile. She cared so much about her kids. I knew she wouldn't be worried that I hadn't answered. She'd had to leave a message when I was in meetings or on flights before. I'd probably have a text message once I landed. Once she finally figured out the whole text thing, she used it often.

  I put my head back and took a few deep breaths as the plane left the runway. All I could think about was what Tina's reaction would be when I showed up at her apartment. I was stopping by the restaurant to talk to Chris before I went to see her. We needed to talk, and I was hoping he would tell her he couldn't get together so I could surprise her and spend some time with her. I wouldn't let her turn me away. She needed to listen to me, and I needed to hold her. Rejection wasn't an option. I'd listen to her cocky mouth all night long as long as she was wrapped in my arms.

  I must have fallen asleep. The pilot made the announcement for the initial decent, and it seemed like we'd only been in the air a few minutes. I'd never managed to sleep that well on a plane before, and I had taken some seriously long flights. As soon as I could, I turned my phone off of flight mode to make sure the office hadn't needed anything. Just as I thought, Tina's mom had sent me a message.

  Mom: I want to talk to you about something, Jackson. Call me back when you get a chance.

  I'd call her back once I got everything settled and was able to see Tiny. I hadn't thought to rent a hotel room. I was hoping I wouldn't need one. I also didn't want to take the time to rent a car. There was only one place I needed to be. I got a cab and gave them the address to the restaurant. It didn't take nearly as long as I thought it would. I quickly grabbed my bags and paid the driver. As soon as I walked in, I saw Chris standing behind the bar. When his eyes connected with mine, I watched his mouth drop open and a shocked look cross his face. I shook my head and walked over to him.

  “Chris,” I said with a smile, as I extended my hand to shake his.

  “Jackson,” he replied, as he took my hand to shake it. “You're in New York.”

  “I am,” I said. “I came to ask you a favor.”

  “Okay,” he said.

  “I know Tina has plans with you tonight. I was hoping you would cancel them.”

  “You flew to New York to ask me not to hang out with Tina?” he asked. “That is just a little strange and stalkerish if you ask me.”

  I let out a laugh and smiled.

  “I flew to New York to see her. She doesn't know I'm here. I wanted to surprise her. If I show up at her door, she's going to tell me she has plans with you. I know damn well she won't break them. That's not how she is. If she says she's going, then she's going.”

  “Oh really?” he asked. “You being here is definitely a surprise. I don't know how to break it to you, but she already broke our date for tonight.”

  “What?” I asked.

  He reached into his back pocket and pulled out the phone I gave him. Then he did something before handing me the phone.

  “Here,” he said.

  Tina: I have to cancel for tonight. I'm so sorry. I swear I'll make it up to you. Before you say it, I know I already owe you for dragging your ass into my crazy made up boyfriend world. You know I love you, Chris. There's something I have to do. I'll text you tonight to explain. Wish me luck. I'm about to take the biggest risk I've ever taken in my life.

  “See,” he said. “She dumped me.”

  “What is she talking about?” I asked.

  “I have no idea,” he said. “If you wait a few minutes, I can drive you to her place.”

  I sat down at the bar and pulled out my phone.

  Me: How's it going?

  I waited for her answer. She hadn't said anything by the time Chris was ready. He drove me to her place. All I could think about was her in that huge city alone. She had friends, so she wasn't completely alone. Then I thought about her working two jobs. When he parked and we got out, I looked around.

  “She lives here?” I asked.

  “Yes,” he said.

  Chris pulled the door open and began the walk up the stairs. I couldn't hide my shock mixed with a slight bit of anger. The building looked like shit. The elevator didn't work, and the halls had a funky smell. He continued up to the third floor before walking down the hall and stopping in front of a door.

  “She fucking lives here?” I asked again.

  He nodded but didn't speak.

  “She works two jobs all year and one in the summer, and this is all she can afford,” I said more to myself than to him.

  “She could afford better than this,” he said.

  “Then why do you let her live here?” I asked.

  “Are you serious?” he asked, as he took a step toward me. “You have met her haven't you? Nobody lets Tina do anything. She does what she wants. You can tell her how you feel, but that doesn't mean shit. She's not my wife. I can't pull her out of the apartment and move her in with me. She lives here so she can save money.”

  “Save money for what?” I asked.

  “She wants to buy a house, but she won't do it until she can pay for the whole thing. She doesn't want to have to take out a loan. Don't stand there and act like I don't care about her. I've been here for a very long time. Should I remind you that this is only the second time I've met you. If she was so important to you, why did she feel like she had to fake having a boyfriend in front of you? If she were that damn special, you would have already known where she lived.”

  I snatched him up and held his ass up against her door.

  “You can swing if you want, but this time I'll swing back. Would you rather stand here fighting with me or find her?” he asked.

  I let out a long breath, as I released my hold. Then I stepped around him and knocked on the door over and over again. He pulled his keys out and let himself in before motioning for me to walk in.

  “You have a key?” I asked.

  “I do,” he said.
  Her apartment was so little. I could not believe what I was seeing. Her entire place would fit in my damn bathroom. I didn't wait before walking through to see one bedroom and a little bathroom. The kitchen was very small. She had a table with two chairs. Her living room had a couch, end table, coffee table, and a television jammed into the little space.

  “I have no idea where she is,” he said. “It looks like she took a bag with her. She doesn't usually leave that kind of mess in her bedroom.”

  I let out a growl, and he turned quick to face me.

  “Calm your ass down, Jackson,” he snapped. “I'm here often. I've even slept in that bed. She is my best friend. I don't do girls. If I did, I can guarantee one thing. You wouldn't be standing here right now. Do you know why?”

  I looked straight into his eyes.

  “She'd have no damn use for you. Tina is an amazing woman. She has a heart of gold. Until a couple of weeks ago, I didn't know what exactly had her keeping that heart locked up so tight that nobody could even get close to it. She is perfect, and she deserves a man that is going to show her every single moment of her life how cherished and loved she is. I'm not totally sure what you're here to do, Jackson. You better think it through. If you hurt her, all the money in the world won't be able to save your ass.”

  “You really do look out for her,” I said, and he nodded. “Help me find her.”

  He pulled his phone out of his pocket, as he locked the door. We headed back down toward his car. I watched him type a message, and there was an instant beep back in response. Then he turned to show me the text.

  Chris: Where are you, Tina?

  Tina: I made the biggest mistake ever, Chris. You know that risk I told you about? It bit me in the ass harder than I could have imagined. I feel like a complete idiot. He's with someone. All that I miss you and want to see you, it was all crap. How could I have been so damn stupid again? I'm so done. I have to get out of here. When I get home, we are going out, and I'm going to get him out of my head. Be ready. Oh yeah, I forgot to mention, he owns the fucking company. He doesn't work there. No wonder he laughed when I said things about kissing the boss' ass. All he had to do was bend over and kiss his own. I was worried about him taking care of everyone else. What a fool. He even lied about being at work. He'd never want someone like me. I can't believe I ever thought he would.

  I felt like I couldn't breathe. My chest hurt, and I felt like everything was closing in on me. She was talking about me. How did she know I owned the company? What was she talking about someone else? Where the fuck was she?

  “You're with someone else?” Chris asked.

  “No,” I said. “I have no idea what she's talking about.”

  “Do you own the company?” he asked.

  “Yes,” I said.

  “That car wasn't a rental?” he asked.

  “No,” I said. “She pissed me off when she made fun of me and acted like I couldn't possibly own that car.”

  “What is going on with her?” he asked.

  “Oh shit!” I yelled into the car. “Take me to the airport. I'll give you twice what I'd give the cab. Right now, I'd probably give you a car.”

  “What?” he asked.

  “She's in Florida,” I said. “She went to my company. I don't understand why she thinks I'm with someone else though.”

  Chris turned on the car and took off.

  “I don't want your damn money, Jackson,” he said. “I want you to fix my friend. Whatever you did to her, you need to fix it. If she's still like this when she gets back here, I'm going to go to New York and kick your ass. You better do something. She's hurting right now.”

  “I know,” I said, as I pulled out my phone and called her number.

  “Jackson,” she said.

  I heard her sniffling through the phone and wanted so badly to hold her.

  “Tiny,” I said. “I need to talk to you.”

  “No,” she said. “I'm done talking to you.”

  “What's wrong?” I asked. “What's going on? Why are you crying?”

  “You're an asshole. Do you know that? My brother was right. He told me to stay away from you. He told me I better not go anywhere near you. He said you were bad for me. I can't believe I bought the shit you've been saying the last couple of weeks. I don't want your money. I've been doing just fine on my own for ten years. I didn't need you to pay for anything for me. I will get you the money from the room before the end of next week. You can have them, Jackson. You can have my whole family. I'm never coming back here. Do not ever call me again. I mean it. I never want to speak to you, Jackie. You fucking lied to me. Of course you don't want me. I get it now. I don't want you either. Goodbye, Jackson.”

  She hung up the phone and shut it off. Chris dropped me off, and I ran into the airport. The ticket home was outrageous. I made it to the gate and fell into a chair. I wasn't sure how much more I could take. I pulled out my phone again and called Tina's mom. It took three rings before she answered.

  “Mom,” I said barely able to breathe. “Please tell me she's there. She has to be there.”

  “Yes,” she said. “Hold on.”

  I heard some noise before she spoke again. Her voice was so quiet. I could barely hear what she was saying.

  “I tried to tell you, Jackson. She text me this morning asking what the address of your work was. I answered her and tried to call you. I had no idea she was going to show up there. She was just here two weekends ago. When she showed up here in tears, I was devastated. She was crying so hard. I don't know what you did to her. Where are you?”

  “I'm in New York,” I said.

  “What?” she asked.

  “I couldn't stop thinking about her after I talked to her this morning. I left the office and flew to New York. She wasn't here. Have you seen where she lives? Have you been here? I can't believe this shit. My woman.”

  “Your woman,” she said. “If she's your woman, why is she on my couch, crying so hard she can't breathe, talking about how horrible you are?”

  “I don't know,” I said. “I honestly don't know what happened. Chris said she text him and backed out of their plans for tonight. We went to her place, and she wasn't there. He got a text back saying something about me being with someone else. I called her. She told me she never wanted to speak to me again. Then she turned her phone off. I think she's going to try to fly back out tonight. You have to stop her. You have to keep her there until I get back. My flight leaves in an hour. Why does she think I'm with someone else? I don't know what's going on. All I know, is that the woman I love is hurting, and I'm not there to hold her and fix whatever it is that I did.”

  “Did you just say you love her?” she asked.

  “I do,” I said. “That's what I came here to tell her.”

  “I'll do my best to keep her here, Jackson,” she said. “I can only do so much. You know how she is. If she wants to go, she will. About that apartment, I can't tell her where she can live. She's a grown woman. Her decisions are hers alone. Be careful. What time does your flight land?”

  “I'll text you the exact time when I board. I want to make sure there's no delay. Everything I have I'm carrying on. I don't have to wait for luggage.”

  “Okay,” she said. “One of us will pick you up. There's no reason for your driver to be out that late just to bring you here. You can stay here tonight. If not, I'll drive you to a hotel. You don't need to be going home in the middle of night. I have a feeling it's going to be a late one.”

  “Thanks, mom,” I said.

  “I love you, Jackson,” she said. “Don't you dare hurt my baby.”

  “I won't,” I said.

  I hung up and shoved the phone deep into my pocket. For sleeping the whole flight to New York, I was exhausted. I leaned forward on my knees with my head in my hands until my flight was called. I sent one text with my arrival time and that was it. All I kept thinking over and over was please keep her there. If she got upset enough, she'd be on a flight back, and I'd m
iss her. That couldn't happen. I had to get there in time.

  Chapter 12


  Talk about a disaster. Even I didn't see it coming. I had this dream in my head that I'd pour my heart out to him and we'd spend the entire weekend naked and tangled together in bed. I couldn't have been more wrong.

  As soon as I got off the plane, I hurried to rent a car. It felt so similar to the way it had just weeks before. I was running around like a crazy woman trying to beat the clock. The only difference was that I was alone. There was nobody there holding my hand and keeping me together. I was on a mission to see Jackson and where he worked. Even if I had to wait outside until he left for the day, I at least wanted to see where he was when we sent messages to each other during the day. I wanted to know more about his life.

  His job was about an hour away from the airport, so I knew I had to hurry. I felt absolutely horrible for driving right by the street that would take me to the house I grew up in. The one my mom would most likely be cooking up something amazing in. I knew I'd make sure to see her and my dad before going back home on Sunday. That helped take some of the guilt away.

  When I pulled up in the front of the building my mom gave me the address to, I was surprised. Jackson really had gotten a job in a big company. The outside of the building looked like something you'd see in the movies. Not just a normal tall, brick building. It had style. I pulled into the front drive and parked in one of the visitor spots. There were a few very nice, sporty cars parked in the spaces directly in front of the doors. I had to wonder if Jackson had borrowed a car from a friend for the wedding. Maybe he hadn't rented it at all.

  I was so excited to see him. He'd be surprised. I wasn't positive it would be a good one though. Part of me was so afraid that all of the sweet conversations we'd had those two weeks were fake. Maybe he had played me just to get back at my brother for being so pissed about what happened when we were younger. He could have even played me to get even with me for ratting him out at the reception. That wasn't it. He was thirty. There was no way he would do something like that. He was a grown man. Before my mind could go back to my negative thoughts, I got out of the car and looked toward the doors.