In Love with My Brother's Best Friend: Complete Box Set Page 21
“I don't care about money, Jackson. You know that. A million or a billion wouldn't make me want to be with you. I don't give a shit what my brother thinks. I never have. You were the one that cared what people thought, not me. I love you for you, Jackson. I was in love with you when I was eighteen on that beach, and I'm in love with you now. It has nothing to do with money or what kind of business you've created. I'm proud of you. Of course I am. I think you've done amazing things with what you've made for yourself. I was just as proud of you before. You were the man I knew I wanted to be with all along. I would have been with you then just as much as I'll be with you now. I've loved you the entire time, Jackie. Money would never have made a difference to me. I love you for you, not for what you've done.”
“Us,” he said.
“What?” I asked confused.
“What I've made for us,” he said. “I've never done a single thing just for me. It's always been us. I'm going to hit that billion dollar goal this month, but that doesn't matter anymore. All that matters to me is being with you.”
I leaned back into his chest and looked up at him. He turned me in his arms and leaned down to kiss my forehead. Then he took my hand and led me to the huge tub. He stepped in and held my hand to step in with him. Then he sat down and pulled me down between his legs, with my back against his chest. The water was so warm and smelled fruity. We could have fit four more people in there with us. He moved his hand and the jets started. I let out a moan as my head fell back against his shoulder.
“This is perfect,” I said.
I let my eyes move around the room. There was a separate shower that you could walk right into. It had glass blocks for the dividing wall. There was even a seat built into it. The bathroom had a long mirror with two large sinks in front of it. I could never have imagined having a bathroom that large.
The hot water bubbled around us, and I felt like I could close my eyes and stay in that spot forever. Jackson's arms wrapped around me, and one hand moved to my breast. He cupped it in his hands before taking my nipple between his thumb and finger to give it some attention. My back arched when he began to pinch and roll it between his fingers. His other hand moved down my stomach. His fingers moved until they were right where I needed him. He moved one leg over each of mine, hooked each foot around each of my ankles, and spread my legs. Then his fingers began moving up and down my already wet path. My head fell back and rolled to the side. His mouth was on my open neck in seconds. When he entered me with his finger, I let out a low gasp. He sucked and kissed up and down my neck. Then he added a second finger and his palm hit my clit. My arms flew up behind his head, and my fingers found their place as they gripped his hair. His fingers held my nipple captive. He was pinching and pulling it, as he was thrusting his fingers into me. I could feel his rock hard cock against my lower back. My body was losing all control. I was calling out his name, gripping his hair, pushing my chest into his hand, and my hips were meeting each thrust of his fingers.
“Jackson,” I cried out. “Fuck, Jackson.”
He smiled against my neck at my use of his real name. I knew he loved it when I said it. I planned to make him work for it. He knew I only said it when we were being intimate. It was going to stay that way. When I let his name leave my tongue, I knew it worked him up more than anything.
“Yes, Tina,” he said against my neck.
My hips thrust forward and I was right there. I knew when I came it was going to be amazing. It had been a couple of weeks since he'd had his hands on me, and I didn't want to admit that I couldn't go a day without his touch again.
I gripped even tighter to his hair as he sucked just below my ear. I moaned over and over. He knew I was right there. I knew he did. Then, all at once, he pinched my nipple, thrust his fingers in deep, hooked them, and bit down on my neck. I came hard and cried out louder than I ever had in my life.
“Fuck, Tina,” he moaned into my neck. “I love the way your pussy fucks my fingers. It sucks them so damn tight.”
He continued moving them in and out of me until my body finally stopping moving against them. Then he wrapped the hand that was on my breast in my hair and pulled my head back. His lips landed hard on mine, and my mouth opened instantly waiting for his tongue. He didn't disappoint. His tongue thrust into my mouth and found mine. I kept my hold on his hair and pulled him as close as I could. His hands went to my hips and he flipped me around to face him as if I weighed nothing at all. I put a leg on each side of his and got up on my knees. His mouth went to my stomach and kissed tiny kisses upward until he sucked my nipple into his mouth hard. I pulled his head against me and called out his name. There was no way for anyone to hear us, and I wasn't going to hold back. His mouth moved to my other side to give both breasts equal attention.
I couldn't take it. I knew I was going home the next day, and who knew when I would see him again. I needed him inside of me. I gripped a handful of his hair and pulled back. He released my nipple with a pop and our eyes connected. His cock was right there. I knew all I had to do was take him inside of me.
“I fucking need you, Jackie,” I said with my hands on each of his cheeks.
He moved to get out of the tub, but I held him there and looked into those sexy dark eyes.
“I haven't been with anyone in two years and I'm protected,” I said. “I don't know when I'll have you inside of me again, and I need to feel your skin against mine, nothing between us. I need you so damn bad, Jackson.”
He grabbed the back of head and let out a growl that had my thighs clenching. I couldn't wait another second to be with him. I'd never been with a guy without a condom, but I needed to feel his skin. I trusted him more than I had ever trusted anyone. His cock was as hard as steel against my entrance. I kept my eyes locked on his as I let my body down slowly over him. His moan mixed with mine. Our mouths were inches apart. Once I was completely filled with him, I stilled.
“Fuck,” he groaned out hard. “You feel so damn good bare, baby. You have no idea what you're doing to me. I don't think I could ever cover myself again after feeling your skin against my dick.”
He grabbed the back of my head and slammed our mouths together at the same time that he thrust his hips up and I bounced on his cock. I moved up and down his shaft while our tongues danced together. When I pulled back to catch my breath, his hands went to my hips to guide me. He lifted me to his very tip and thrust into me again and again. I was crying out his name and single words here and there. It was taking all I had not to fly over the edge. I wanted it to last. I wanted to remember every moment of being with him. His eyes were on mine. I leaned back with my hands on his thighs, arched my back, and slowly took him in and back out of me. I wanted to savor the moment. My head fell back, and my eyes closed as I felt our skin moving together. He ran his hands up my stomach before cupping my breasts in them and playing with my nipples. I was so lost in the moment when I moved one hand down to my clit and heard him growl. Shivers ran through every inch of my body.
“You're so damn beautiful,” he said. “I love you so much, baby. Open your eyes and look at me. I want to look into those sexy, dark eyes when you come. I want you to come just like that, riding my cock and touching yourself. You are the sexiest woman, and you're mine.”
I opened my eyes and looked into the only eyes that would ever matter to me, as I cried out his name and came hard around him. He had me on my back against the other side of the tub and was thrusting into me deep and hard like his life depended on it in seconds. I grabbed hold of his hair and met each of his thrusts with my hips. He bit down hard on my neck, as he filled me with jolt after jolt of him. His chest came down on mine, and my fingers moved through his thick, messy, sexy hair.
“Come home,” he said against my neck.
“What?” I asked unsure if I heard him correctly.
“Please come home,” he said, as he pulled back and looked at me. “I need you here with me. I can't get anything done anymore. All I do is think about you. Your parents mi
ss you so damn bad too. I know you have a life there. I know Chris, Rachel, and Jen are your close friends. We can fly Chris here every other weekend. He can even bring his daughter. I know you love teaching. You could find a job here for sure. We can build you a school if you want. I need you. I know it sounds selfish. I won't deny it. Do you like it there?”
We were still connected as he spoke. I looked into his eyes and knew I needed to be honest with myself.
“You do,” he said before I said anything. “It's not fair to ask you to move your life. I'll move there. We can fly your parents out there, and we can visit often. I draw the line at that damn apartment though.”
I couldn't help it and burst into laughter at that last comment.
“Hey,” I said. “That's my apartment you're talking about it. It's been just fine for me. I was saving to buy a house.”
His head fell against my shoulder.
“I didn't mean it like that, Tiny,” he said. “It's not safe in that neighborhood, and that building is awful. I would never let people stay in a place that bad if I owned it. They need to make that shit livable. I can't believe your brother didn't do something about that. He talks so much shit about you and what you deserve, but he never mentioned you living in a building like that. I could kick his ass.”
“My brother hates where I live,” I said. “He calls me every week to check on me and constantly begs me to move, Jackie. I'm not the same person I was ten years ago. That shit doesn't work on me anymore. You better think about that before you decide you still want me.”
“That's my fault,” he said.
“Not completely,” I said. “You had a lot to do with it though. I didn't feel like I was memorable or enough for you and that hurt so damn bad. I wanted to be someone you would want for more than one night. I have changed, but most of those changes are good. I don't let people step all over me anymore. I'm a strong person now. I don't let anyone into my circle that I don't think is going to stay, so all of my friends are loyal. I'm still me though. I learned that two weeks ago. Everything I had worked so hard to be for ten years was gone the second I saw your hand on Bridget's back. After all that time, it was still only you.”
We were both quiet for a moment, as my fingers moved up and down his back.
“I'm sorry I didn't fight for us then,” he said.
“We were both very young,” I said. “My family was very important to you. They still are. You are just as important to them, Jackson. My mom lights up when she talks about how proud she is of you. She's onto your ass by the way. She knows about everything you do for them. She's no dummy.”
I felt his body shake, as he laughed against me.
“Thank you for looking out for them,” I added. “To answer your earlier question, I don't like it there.”
His head shot up and our eyes connected.
“I've made some great friends, and I do like teaching,” I said. “That is all true, but I miss my family so much. I sit around thinking and wondering what they're doing. I think about all of you at Sunday dinner talking about your weeks. I think about my mom and how I want to wrap my arms around her and do things to help her. I even think about my pain-in-the-ass brother. You're right, this is my home. I miss the beach and the warmth more than you know. It's so cold there in the winter. I miss the quiet that you have here. It's always busy and loud there. I would never ask you to move there for me, Jackson. I even miss me. Not the quiet, shy me. I don't want that part of me back. I get sick of being loud and always being the life of the party. I can't stand it anymore. I like sitting home on Friday nights being me. Most of all, I miss you. That last summer I was home was so hard. Before that night on the beach, I'd always imagine what it would be like to be with you. It was only a dream. Once I knew that it was ten times better than I ever thought it would be, I couldn't be around you. It was too hard. I wanted you for myself.”
He took a huge breath in and let it back out.
“It fucking hurt, Jackson. Being with you and then thinking I meant nothing crushed me. It was as if I was just like the rest of them. I wasn't special.”
“Never,” he growled, but I stopped him from saying anything else.
“I never stopping wanting you,” I said. “I made sure not to talk about you with my brother or my parents. I tried to block you out of my mind, but it never worked. No matter what I would do to move on, it always came back to you. Seeing you at the wedding slammed it all home for me. It was all so fresh and real. I want to be with you more than I have ever wanted anything in my life. I need you to know that. I will love you until I take my last breath. What scares me is what I know you can do to me. You have the power to destroy me, Jackie. There are beautiful women waiting to fall at your feet. Do you see that? They are everywhere. Your office alone is crawling with them. I can't imagine the rest of your life. What happens when I'm not enough anymore? What happens when I'm not new anymore? What am I going to do when you walk away from me again? It would kill me, Jackson. I'm just me, the same me I always was. I want you to think about that before you say anything else.”
I moved to get out of tub, but he pulled me to him.
“I will never hurt you again,” he said. “I've been miserable without you. I work all day every day just so I don't think about you as much. It's always been you, Tina. I've tried to move on, but I can't. I never thought you liked me. When we had that one night, it was everything to me. I'd waited five years just to kiss you. I feel horrible for picking a friendship and family over love. For that, I am so damn sorry and have regretted it every single day. I will protect you, love you, and keep you safe every day for the rest of my life, baby. We can live wherever you want. If you don't like this house, we can get a new one. I don't care what city or state we live in. I will do whatever it takes to show you that you are it for me. You're mine. You belong with me. I love you, baby. I'm going to marry you. I'm going to have babies with you and chase them all over the place. I'm going to grow old with you and hold your hand until I take my last breath. I've loved you since I was fifteen. While you have changed, I'm proud of who you are. I even love that cocky mouth. You're the only one that has ever gotten away with talking to me the way you do. I wouldn't have it any other way.”
He stood up from the water that was turning cold and took my hand to help me up. Once he was out of the tub, he leaned in, grabbed my ass, and lifted me. I wrapped my legs around him, and he crossed the few feet to the shower. He turned the water on hot and held me close to him as our bodies warmed. I grabbed the back of his head and looked into his eyes.
“I want to come home,” I said.
I knew he could see how hard it was for me to take that step by the smile that covered his face. My back was against the wall instantly.
“Really?” he asked. “I want you here, in our home, with me.”
I nodded as a few tears slipped from my eyes.
“That sounds perfect,” I said, as I looked at him and smiled. “I love you, Jackie.”
“I love you too, Tiny.”
“Can I drive the car?” I asked with a smirk.
“Oh, fuck,” he said with a laugh.
“Yes, please,” I said, as I grabbed his face and claimed his mouth.
I felt his hard cock ready to enter me and moaned between his lips. I cried out as he filled me completely with one hard thrust. My hands held tight to the muscles in his back as my body moved against the cold tile wall. Jackson's face went to my neck and began sucking and kissing it. I put my hands on his shoulders and lifted before letting my body fall onto him again. He groaned out my name and tightened his grip on my ass. When he pumped hard into me, I let my head fall back and my eyes close. He thrust up hard, reaching that spot deep inside of me. I gripped so hard onto his back that I felt my nails digging into his skin.
“Fuck,” he groaned.
“Jackson,” I called out to him. “So good. Harder.”
His fingers gripped my ass and he fucked me harder than I had ever been fucked before. I c
ried out again and felt him bite my neck. Then I spiraled into the best damn orgasm.
“Oh, Jackson,” I whispered, as I let my body fall against him.
He let go of one leg and then the other. My feet touched the hot water, and I opened my eyes. He turned me around and nudged my back.
“Hands on the seat,” he commanded.
I loved the deep, demanding tone in his voice. It made my body shiver with excitement. I bent over, put my hands on the seat, arched my back, held my ass up high, and turned to look at him. My tongue moved across my lips. I smiled at the sexiest man in the world, my man.
“Fuck me, Jackson,” I whispered.
He grabbed my hips and thrust into me deep and fast. I cried out, as my body jolted forward. He pulled back his hand and got my ass. I jumped at the sting and bit my lip. His hand wrapped around my hair and pulled, and I let out a gasp as his mouth came down on my neck.
“You taste so damn good. I will never get enough of you, baby. I'm going to be buried deep inside this pussy every single day. You're mine. Do you hear me?”
I was so wrapped up in the moment and his dirty mouth that no words came out. He nudged my head, pulled back from my neck, and look into my eyes.
“Say it,” he demanded.
“Yours,” I cried out. “Fucking yours, Jackson. Always have been.”
His mouth connected with mine, and I sucked his bottom lip between my teeth. When his free hand came up and gripped my shoulder, I was ready to explode. He looked into my eyes and pumped into me so hard it hurt. I put one hand up against the shower wall and pushed back hard against him.